Complete Results

Licensed to Sheffield High School               Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 4/26/2008
            AHSAA Class 1A,2A,3A State Meet - 5/2/2008 to 5/3/2008             
                     Troy University Track/Soccer Complex                      
                                 Troy, AL, USA                                 
Girls 100 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Weger, Kristin               Randolph                 13.02   NWI  3   10  
  2 Armstead, Maya               Sheffield                13.13   NWI  2    8  
  3 Young, Leandra               Lauderdale Count         13.30   NWI  3    6  
  4 Moncrief, Diamond            Lamar County             13.32   NWI  4    5  
  5 Russell, Jerika              Sheffield                13.39   NWI  2    4  
  6 Tyra, Katelyn                Winfield                 13.41   NWI  3    3  
  7 Morton, Justina              Winfield                 13.42   NWI  3    2  
  8 Webb, Lacey                  Winfield                 13.48   NWI  3    1  
  9 Locke, Shanice               Colbert County           13.51   NWI  1 
 10 Swanigan, Malika             Lamar County             13.78   NWI  4 
 11 Hooks, Abrisha               Colbert County           13.83   NWI  2 
 12 Russell, Laquadra            Sheffield                13.84   NWI  1 
 13 Nance, Ashley                Danville                 14.30   NWI  2 
 14 Haley, Cierra                Colbert County           14.37   NWI  2 
 15 Shults, Taylor               Danville                 14.38   NWI  1 
 16 Edwards, Ryleigh             Lamar County             15.22   NWI  4 
 17 Smith, Kenyatta              Lamar County             15.72   NWI  4 
Girls 200 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Weger, Kristin               Randolph                 27.15   NWI  4   10  
  2 Russell, Jerika              Sheffield                27.72   NWI  2    8  
  3 Armstead, Maya               Sheffield                27.80   NWI  3    6  
  4 Webb, Lacey                  Winfield                 28.10   NWI  4    5  
  5 Young, Leandra               Lauderdale Count         28.11   NWI  4    4  
  6 Locke, Shanice               Colbert County           28.31   NWI  1    3  
  7 Terrell, Quintana            Winfield                 28.73   NWI  3    2  
  8 Nizamis, Kayla               Winfield                 28.83   NWI  4    1  
  9 Hooks, Abrisha               Colbert County           29.18   NWI  2 
 10 Swanigan, Malika             Lamar County             29.38   NWI  5 
 11 Russell, Laquadra            Sheffield                29.80   NWI  2 
 12 Freeman, Jasmine             Colbert Heights          30.03   NWI  4 
 13 Willingham, Alexis           Colbert County           32.35   NWI  1 
 14 Butler, Tiffany              Lauderdale Count         32.77   NWI  3 
 15 Edwards, Ryleigh             Lamar County             32.79   NWI  5 
 16 Bishop, Olivia               Lauderdale Count         33.11   NWI  3 
 17 Smith, Kenyatta              Lamar County             33.37   NWI  5 
 18 Frederick, Samantha          Lauderdale Count         33.53   NWI  1 
Girls 400 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Weger, Kristin               Randolph               1:02.43   3   10  
  2 Crum, Shakayla               Sheffield              1:05.17   1    8  
  3 Young, Leandra               Lauderdale Count       1:05.43   3    6  
  4 Barnett, Adeva               Sheffield              1:06.50   1    5  
  5 Williams, Gretta             Colbert County         1:07.10   1    4  
  6 Bland, Nafesha               Sheffield              1:07.36   2    3  
  7 Morton, Justina              Winfield               1:07.37   3    2  
  8 Terrell, Quintana            Winfield               1:10.41   3    1  
  9 Spann, Allison               Winfield               1:11.57   3 
 10 Washington, Ashley           Lamar County           1:12.20   2 
 11 Jackson, Ebony               Colbert County         1:19.41   2 
 12 Cheatom, Kadejia             Colbert County         1:21.35   1 
 13 Frederick, Samantha          Lauderdale Count       1:22.44   2 
Girls 800 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Buell, Maggie                Randolph               2:41.24    10  
  2 Bland, Nakia                 Sheffield              2:44.02     8  
  3 Atkinson, Olivia             Winfield               2:45.06     6  
  4 Barnett, Adeva               Sheffield              2:46.74     5  
  5 Wilson, Krystin              Randolph               2:47.18     4  
  6 Pinkerton, Erika             Lamar County           2:48.40     3  
  7 Burgess, Courtney            Winfield               2:51.34     2  
  8 Crump, Allie                 Winfield               2:52.59     1  
  9 Mortgenson, Antja            Lauderdale Count       2:54.93  
 10 Butler, Tiffany              Lauderdale Count       3:08.43  
 11 Weems, Sarah                 Lauderdale Count       3:22.15  
Girls 1600 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Buell, Maggie                Randolph               6:08.32    10  
  2 Wilson, Krystin              Randolph               6:14.62     8  
  3 Harrington, Shelby           Winfield               6:24.84     6  
  4 Bigham, Kelsey               Lamar County           6:26.09     5  
  5 Franks, Kerry                Winfield               6:35.75     4  
  6 Martinson, Mary Katherin     Randolph               6:46.28     3  
  7 Reid, Kerry                  Lauderdale Count       7:01.52     2  
  8 Parrish, Morgan              Winfield               7:02.37     1  
  9 Weems, Sarah                 Lauderdale Count       7:18.52  
Girls 3200 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Tramutolo, Alexandria        Winfield              13:25.00    10  
  2 Bigham, Kelsey               Lamar County          13:43.00     8  
  3 Cook, Kelsie                 Winfield              13:45.00     6  
  4 Hervol, Shea                 Winfield              14:33.00     5  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Sides, Nichole               Winfield                 16.36   NWI  2   10  
  2 Bland, Nakia                 Sheffield                19.89   NWI  2    8  
  3 Spann, Erin                  Winfield                 20.53   NWI  2    6  
  4 Bradford, Rachael            Winfield                 20.79   NWI  2    5  
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Sides, Nichole               Winfield                 50.38   2   10  
  2 Crum, Shakayla               Sheffield                53.96   1    8  
  3 Buell, Maggie                Randolph                 57.55   2    6  
  4 Henderson, Jordan            Winfield                 57.89   2    5  
  5 Bland, Nakia                 Sheffield                58.33   1    4  
  6 Aultman, Hollie              Winfield                 58.34   2    3  
  7 Martinson, Mary Katherin     Randolph               1:00.45   2    2  
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Sheffield  'A'                                        50.83    10  
  2 Winfield  'A'                                         52.30     8  
  3 Colbert County  'A'                                   54.04     6  
  4 Lamar County  'A'                                     56.81     5  
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Sheffield  'A'                                      4:22.08    10  
  2 Winfield  'A'                                       4:27.74     8  
  3 Lamar County  'A'                                   4:45.90     6  
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Sheffield  'A'                                     11:02.22    10  
  2 Winfield  'A'                                      11:20.15     8  
  3 Lamar County  'A'                                  11:54.72     6  
  4 Lauderdale County  'A'                             13:16.25     5  
Girls High Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Sides, Nichole               Winfield               5-00.00      1.52m   10  
  2 Yocum, Savannah              Carbon Hill            4-08.00      1.42m    8  
  3 Aultman, Hollie              Winfield               4-06.00      1.37m    6  
 -- Miller, Barbara              Winfield                    NH            
Girls Long Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Campbell, Nunnie             Sheffield             16-00.00   NWI     4.87m   10  
  2 Russell, Jerika              Sheffield             15-05.00   NWI     4.69m    8  
  3 Tyra, Katelyn                Winfield              14-08.00   NWI     4.47m    6  
  4 Ricks, Nyesha                Sheffield             13-04.00   NWI     4.06m    5  
  5 Freeman, Jasmine             Colbert Heights       13-01.00   NWI     3.98m    4  
  6 Myles, Kelsey                Lamar County          12-09.00   NWI     3.88m    3  
  7 Nance, Ashley                Danville              12-07.00   NWI     3.83m    2  
  8 Flemming, Krystal            Winfield              12-01.00   NWI     3.68m    1  
  9 Miller, Barbara              Winfield              11-09.00   NWI     3.58m 
 10 Wilson, Krystin              Randolph              11-04.00   NWI     3.45m 
 11 Smith, Kenyatta              Lamar County          11-02.00   NWI     3.40m 
Girls Triple Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Campbell, Nunnie             Sheffield             34-00.00   NWI    10.36m   10  
  2 Sides, Nichole               Winfield              32-08.00   NWI     9.95m    8  
  3 Bishop, Katie                Colbert Heights       30-06.00   NWI     9.29m    6  
  4 Ricks, Nyesha                Sheffield             29-09.00   NWI     9.06m    5  
  5 Freeman, Jasmine             Colbert Heights       29-06.00   NWI     8.99m    4  
  6 Alred, McKensie              Danville              29-01.00   NWI     8.86m    3  
  7 Hulsey, Tasha                Winfield              26-10.00   NWI     8.17m    2  
  8 Miller, Barbara              Winfield              26-08.00   NWI     8.12m    1  
Girls Shot Put 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Nance, Ashley                Danville              34-04.00     10.46m   10  
  2 Harris, Jaketa               Sheffield             33-06.50     10.22m    8  
  3 Johnson, Jadazia             Sheffield             31-11.00      9.72m    6  
  4 Vickery, Stephanie           Winfield              30-11.00      9.42m    5  
  5 Hamer, Kiera                 Sheffield             29-09.00      9.06m    4  
  6 Haynes, Ashley               Winfield              29-06.00      8.99m    3  
  7 McGough, Amanda              Carbon Hill           28-01.00      8.55m    2  
  8 Smith, Jessica               Lamar County          28-00.00      8.53m    1  
  9 McMillian, Marlana           Lauderdale Count      26-03.00      8.00m 
 10 Hubbert, Robin               Winfield              26-01.00      7.95m 
 11 Hawkins, Carissa             Colbert County        24-08.00      7.51m 
 12 Borden, Kelly                Danville              24-02.00      7.36m 
 13 Hullett, Memory              Danville              22-03.00      6.78m 
 14 Fort, Indigo                 Colbert County        21-09.00      6.62m 
Girls Discus Throw 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Smith, Jessica               Lamar County             79-00     24.07m   10  
  2 Johnson, Jadazia             Sheffield                74-00     22.55m    8  
  3 Haynes, Ashley               Winfield              73-10.50     22.51m    6  
  4 McGough, Amanda              Carbon Hill              70-03     21.41m    5  
  5 Reaves, Maddie               Winfield              68-05.50     20.86m    4  
  6 Harris, Jaketa               Sheffield                67-08     20.62m    3  
  7 Crump, Lacie                 Winfield                 62-01     18.92m    2  
  8 Hamer, Kiera                 Sheffield                61-08     18.79m    1  
  9 Bryant, Beth                 Colbert Heights          58-11     17.95m 
 10 Borden, Kelly                Danville                 55-06     16.91m 
 11 McMillian, Marlene           Lamar County             52-05     15.97m 
 12 Hullett, Memory              Danville                 50-05     15.36m 
 13 Wolfe, Quitteny              Danville                 37-02     11.32m 
Girls Javelin Throw 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Johnson, Jadazia             Sheffield                95-10     29.21m   10  
  2 Davis, Kadejah               Sheffield                87-02     26.56m    8  
  3 Smith, Jessica               Lamar County             85-06     26.06m    6  
  4 Crump, Allie                 Winfield                 80-05     24.51m    5  
  5 Hubbert, Robin               Winfield                 75-07     23.03m    4  
  6 Haynes, Ashley               Winfield                 61-10     18.84m    3  
  7 Hullett, Memory              Danville                 42-05     12.92m    2  
 -- Bankhead, Teanna             Sheffield                   ND            
 -- Wolfe, Quitteny              Danville                    ND            
Boys 100 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Ricks, Jamorris              Colbert County           11.04   NWI  4   10  
  2 Madden, Ladarrius            Colbert County           11.19   NWI  4    8  
  3 Goodloe, Jamarcus            Colbert County           11.33   NWI  4    6  
  4 George, Levi                 Danville                 11.37   NWI  2 
  5 Lane, Curtis                 Winfield                 11.39   NWI  4    4  
  6 Ingram, Jeremy               Lauderdale Count         11.54   NWI  3    3  
  7 Lowe, Darius                 Sheffield                11.67   NWI  3    2  
  8 Nails, Karwaski              Lamar County             11.69   NWI  1    1  
  9 King, Josh                   Sheffield                11.71   NWI  1 
 10 Armstead, LaQuintus          Sheffield                11.81   NWI  3 
 11 Taylor, Zach                 Winfield                 12.09   NWI  2 
 12 Bradford, Michael            Lamar County             12.13   NWI  4 
 13 Corbin, Chase                Carbon Hill              12.19   NWI  2 
 14 Pilgrim, Zach                Carbon Hill              12.38   NWI  1 
 15 McAbee, Clint                Danville                 12.44   NWI  2    5  
 16 Marshall, Tanner             Winfield                 12.61   NWI  3 
 17 Murray, Dylan                Carbon Hill              12.62   NWI  3 
 18 Mote, David                  Carbon Hill              13.64   NWI  1 
 19 Ciszek, Derek                Danville                 14.37   NWI  2 
Boys 200 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 George, Levi                 Danville                 23.24   NWI  3   10  
  2 Ledwell, Tony                Winfield                 23.39   NWI  4    8  
  3 Ricks, Jamorris              Colbert County           23.40   NWI  3    6  
  4 Ford, Kevin                  Winfield                 23.45   NWI  2    5  
  5 McAbee, Clint                Danville                 23.81   NWI  2    4  
  6 Ingram, Jeremy               Lauderdale Count         24.10   NWI  3    3  
  7 Goodloe, Jamarcus            Colbert County           24.11   NWI  3    2  
  8 Ford, Kevin                  Sheffield                24.67   NWI  4    1  
  9 Lowe, Darius                 Sheffield                24.84   NWI  1 
 10 Ciszek, Derek                Danville                 25.00   NWI  1 
 11 Barnett, Demarcus            Sheffield                25.21   NWI  2 
 12 Brown, LB                    Lauderdale Count         25.27   NWI  1 
 13 Taylor, Zach                 Winfield                 25.69   NWI  2 
 14 Toth, Kyle                   Randolph                 26.60   NWI  1 
 -- Davis, Jabarys               Colbert County             DNF   NWI  2 
Boys 400 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Bates, Michael               Sheffield                51.31   4   10  
  2 Nagle, Jeremy                Colbert Heights          53.00   4    8  
  3 Lindsey, Josh                Colbert Heights          53.70   3    6  
  4 Ingram, Jeremy               Lauderdale Count         53.79   4    5  
  5 Sides, Justin                Winfield                 55.30   3    4  
  6 Ricks, Demarie               Sheffield                55.39   3    3  
  7 Baker, Cody                  Danville                 56.06   1    2  
  8 Randolph, Blake              Danville                 56.53   1    1  
  9 Marshall, Tanner             Winfield                 57.17   3 
 10 Brown, LB                    Lauderdale Count         57.81   2 
 11 Ford, Kevin                  Sheffield                57.90   5 
 12 Toth, Kyle                   Randolph                 58.28   2 
 13 Hensley, Josh                Danville                 58.39   1 
 14 Bradford, Michael            Lamar County             58.60   3 
 15 McGee, Collis                Colbert County           58.91   4 
 16 Hampton, Jalen               Colbert County           59.19   2 
 17 Granville, LaDarius          Lamar County             59.64   2 
 18 Willingham, Lanorris         Colbert County         1:01.13   1 
 19 Guin, Will                   Winfield               1:03.41   4 
 20 Price, Will                  Lamar County           1:04.50   1 
 21 Millwood, Kevin              Carbon Hill            1:06.33   5 
Boys 800 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Bates, Michael               Sheffield              2:04.52    10  
  2 Nalls, Reggie                Winfield               2:08.30     8  
  3 Nagle, Jeremy                Colbert Heights        2:11.52     6  
  4 Miles, Jared                 Winfield               2:12.06     5  
  5 Akenhead, Matthew            Randolph               2:13.90     4  
  6 Mayfield, Tanner             Winfield               2:14.90     3  
  7 Robb, Hudson                 Randolph               2:15.24     2  
  8 Bloodworth, Casey            Lauderdale Count       2:23.00     1  
  9 Priest, Rod                  Colbert County         2:24.66  
 10 Browne, Robbie               Colbert County         2:24.94  
 11 Boutwell, Matthew            Sheffield              2:26.50  
 12 Tippett, Michael             Colbert Heights        2:27.52  
 13 Belk, Austin                 Lamar County           2:29.74  
 14 Fuqua, Kevin                 Lauderdale Count       2:30.75  
 15 Eggleston, Tyrecus           Colbert County         2:31.18  
 16 Vandiver, Jesse              Colbert Heights        2:34.21  
 17 Hicks, McKenzie              Danville               2:38.65  
 18 Price, Will                  Lamar County           2:43.56  
 19 Rickard, Chandler            Lauderdale Count       2:44.50  
 20 Perkins, Justin              Lamar County           2:53.72  
Boys 1600 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Buell, Keith                 Randolph               4:48.28    10  
  2 Nalls, Reggie                Winfield               5:01.31     8  
  3 Akenhead, Matthew            Randolph               5:06.18     6  
  4 Robb, Hudson                 Randolph               5:06.96     5  
  5 Aultman, Eric                Winfield               5:08.81     4  
  6 Lambert, Chase               Colbert Heights        5:23.65     3  
  7 Parkhurst, Bryant            Carbon Hill            5:27.68     2  
  8 Bloodworth, Casey            Lauderdale Count       5:31.06     1  
  9 Fuqua, Kevin                 Lauderdale Count       5:37.81  
 10 Eggleston, Tyrecus           Colbert County         5:40.00  
 11 Vandiver, Seth               Colbert Heights        5:40.02  
 12 Howard, Shawn                Colbert Heights        5:41.66  
 13 Belk, Austin                 Lamar County           5:45.00  
 14 Duncan, Shane                Danville               5:48.05  
 15 Boutwell, Matthew            Sheffield              5:48.62  
 16 Harrington, Jake             Winfield               5:49.43  
 17 Perkins, Justin              Lamar County           5:54.96  
 18 Hicks, McKenzie              Danville               6:04.37  
 19 McElroy, Lee                 Danville               6:08.43  
 20 Hall, Nathan                 Colbert County         6:15.18  
Boys 3200 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Buell, Keith                 Randolph              10:36.00    10  
  2 Aultman, Eric                Winfield              11:19.00     8  
  3 Davis, Collins               Winfield              11:34.00     6  
  4 Austin, Mordecai             Lamar County          11:49.00     5  
  5 Franks, Andy                 Winfield              12:07.00     4  
  6 Gasque, Luke                 Sheffield             12:24.00     3  
  7 Hall, Nathan                 Colbert County        13:37.00     2  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Ford, Kevin                  Winfield                 17.45   NWI  2   10  
  2 Davis, Jabarys               Colbert County           17.85   NWI  2    8  
  3 Ciszek, Derek                Danville                 18.18   NWI  2    6  
  4 Hollis, Dillon               Sheffield                19.02   NWI  2    5  
  5 Little, Antonio              Colbert County           19.88   NWI  1    4  
  6 Weeks, Cager                 Winfield                 19.91   NWI  1    3  
  7 Winston, Stacey              Winfield                 20.14   NWI  1    2  
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Ledwell, Tony                Winfield                 43.18   3   10  
  2 Ford, Kevin                  Winfield                 44.48   3    8  
  3 Hampton, Jalen               Colbert County           45.04   3    6  
  4 Willingham, Lanorris         Colbert County           47.19   2    5  
  5 Parr, Jordan                 Winfield                 47.85   3    4  
  6 Abernathy, Dominique         Sheffield                47.88   2    3  
  7 Nichols, Luke                Colbert County           49.23   2    2  
  8 Davis, Chris                 Sheffield                49.87   1    1  
  9 Hollis, Dillon               Sheffield                49.92   3 
 10 Johnson, DJ                  Danville                 57.74   1 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Colbert County  'A'                                   43.66    10  
  2 Winfield  'A'                                         45.69     8  
  3 Danville  'A'                                         46.53     6  
  4 Sheffield  'A'                                        46.66     5  
  5 Carbon Hill  'A'                                      47.63     4  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Colbert Heights  'A'                                3:39.59   2   10  
  2 Sheffield  'A'                                      3:41.50   2    8  
  3 Winfield  'A'                                       3:41.78   1    6  
  4 Danville  'A'                                       3:47.94   1    5  
  5 Lamar County  'A'                                   3:58.78   1    4  
  6 Colbert County  'A'                                 4:11.76   2    3  
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Winfield  'A'                                       9:07.12    10  
  2 Randolph  'A'                                       9:16.42     8  
  3 Sheffield  'A'                                      9:37.62     6  
  4 Colbert Heights  'A'                                9:40.42     5  
  5 Carbon Hill  'A'                                    9:47.39     4  
  6 Colbert County  'A'                                 9:56.62     3  
  7 Lamar County  'A'                                   9:59.18     2  
  8 Danville  'A'                                      10:30.05     1  
Boys High Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 McGee, Collis                Colbert County         6-00.00      1.82m   10  
  2 Webb, Chris                  Carbon Hill            5-08.00      1.72m    8  
  3 Davidson, Dewayne            Sheffield             J5-08.00      1.72m    6  
  4 Henderson, Jaimel            Carbon Hill            5-06.00      1.67m    5  
  5 Bates, Nick                  Carbon Hill           J5-06.00      1.67m    3.5
  5 Davis, Jabarys               Colbert County        J5-06.00      1.67m    3.5
 -- Dunn, Corey                  Danville                    NH            
 -- Winston, Stacey              Winfield                    NH            
 -- Barnett, Demarcus            Sheffield                   NH            
 -- Hensley, Josh                Danville                    NH            
Boys Pole Vault 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Sides, Justin                Winfield              11-00.00      3.35m   10  
  2 Boutwell, Matthew            Sheffield              9-00.00      2.74m    8  
  3 Hollis, Dillon               Sheffield              8-06.00      2.59m    6  
  4 Bussey, Boone                Winfield               8-00.00      2.43m    5  
 -- Guin, Will                   Winfield                    NH            
Boys Long Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Madden, Ladarrius            Colbert County        19-10.00   NWI     6.04m   10  
  2 Brown, LB                    Lauderdale Count      18-10.00   NWI     5.74m    8  
  3 Davidson, Dewayne            Sheffield             18-06.00   NWI     5.63m    6  
  4 Abernathy, Dominique         Sheffield             18-03.50   NWI     5.57m    5  
  5 Nichols, Luke                Colbert County        18-00.00   NWI     5.48m    4  
  6 Parkhurst, Bryant            Carbon Hill          J18-00.00   NWI     5.48m    3  
  7 Nails, Karwaski              Lamar County         J18-00.00   NWI     5.48m    2  
  8 Toth, Kyle                   Randolph              17-10.50   NWI     5.44m    1  
  9 Little, Antonio              Colbert County        17-10.00   NWI     5.43m 
 10 Barnett, Demarcus            Sheffield             17-08.00   NWI     5.38m 
 11 Sides, Justin                Winfield              17-02.00   NWI     5.23m 
 12 Winston, Stacey              Winfield              17-01.00   NWI     5.20m 
 13 Weeks, Cager                 Winfield              16-10.00   NWI     5.13m 
Boys Triple Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Ricks, Demarie               Sheffield             41-07.50   NWI    12.68m   10  
  2 Brown, LB                    Lauderdale Count      39-07.00   NWI    12.06m    8  
  3 Ledwell, Tony                Winfield              38-02.00   NWI    11.63m    6  
  4 Willingham, Lanorris         Colbert County        37-09.00   NWI    11.50m    5  
  5 Hampton, Jalen               Colbert County        37-01.00   NWI    11.30m    4  
  6 Nichols, Luke                Colbert County        36-06.00   NWI    11.12m    3  
  7 Abernathy, Dominique         Sheffield             36-04.00   NWI    11.07m    2  
  8 Lindsey, Josh                Colbert Heights       35-11.00   NWI    10.94m    1  
  9 Weeks, Cager                 Winfield              35-01.00   NWI    10.69m 
 10 Parr, Jordan                 Winfield              34-04.00   NWI    10.46m 
Boys Shot Put 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Salters, Tyler               Lamar County          41-07.00     12.67m   10  
  2 Lundberg, David              Winfield              40-08.00     12.39m    8  
  3 Booker, Maurice              Colbert County        37-11.00     11.55m    6  
  4 Thorne, Kashif               Colbert County        36-09.00     11.20m    4.5
  4 Whitford, Cory               Lamar County          36-09.00     11.20m    4.5
  6 Tolliver, Arthur             Danville              36-08.00     11.17m    3  
  7 Lenahan, Jared               Winfield              36-07.00     11.15m    2  
  8 Bates, Nick                  Carbon Hill           35-09.00     10.89m    1  
  9 Robbins, Ryland              Randolph              35-08.00     10.87m 
 10 Johnson, Chris               Colbert County        35-02.50     10.73m 
 11 Liner, Davion                Sheffield             34-04.00     10.46m 
 12 Echols, Frank                Sheffield             33-05.00     10.18m 
 13 Carson, Chiquito             Lamar County          30-07.00      9.32m 
 14 Dozier, Coby                 Winfield              30-05.00      9.27m 
 15 Brown, Titus                 Sheffield             29-11.00      9.11m 
 16 C ortez, David               Danville              28-11.00      8.81m 
Boys Discus Throw 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Lundberg, David              Winfield                119-08     36.47m   10  
  2 Mosley, Marecus              Colbert County           99-09     30.40m    8  
  3 Salters, Tyler               Lamar County             98-10     30.12m    6  
  4 Meherg, Mason                Winfield                 98-07     30.04m    5  
  5 Robbins, Ryland              Randolph                 97-05     29.69m    4  
  6 White, Adam                  Winfield                 92-06     28.19m    3  
  7 Woods, Jerrad                Colbert County           89-04     27.22m    2  
  8 Booker, Maurice              Colbert County           88-09     27.05m    1  
  9 C ortez, David               Danville                 88-06     26.97m 
 10 Echols, Frank                Sheffield                87-07     26.69m 
 11 Whitford, Cory               Lamar County             85-01     25.93m 
 12 Liner, Davion                Sheffield                83-07     25.47m 
 13 Tolliver, Arthur             Danville                 74-10     22.80m 
 14 Pennington, Cory             Lamar County             71-09     21.86m 
 15 Merijanian, Aaron            Randolph                 69-10     21.28m 
 16 Brown, Titus                 Sheffield                69-01     21.05m 
Boys Javelin Throw 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Parkhurst, Sean              Carbon Hill          132-08.50     40.44m   10  
  2 Robbins, Ryland              Randolph                132-08     40.43m    8  
  3 Lenahan, Jared               Winfield                132-03     40.30m    6  
  4 Aultman, Eric                Winfield                127-05     38.83m    5  
  5 Beck, Tyler                  Danville                124-00     37.79m    4  
  6 Dunn, Corey                  Danville             120-02.50     36.63m    3  
  7 Salters, Tyler               Lamar County            117-05     35.78m    2  
  8 Dozier, Coby                 Winfield                107-07     32.79m    1  
  9 Whitford, Cory               Lamar County         106-11.50     32.60m 
 10 Hensley, Josh                Danville                101-07     30.96m 
 11 Echols, Frank                Sheffield                92-07     28.21m 
 12 Brown, Titus                 Sheffield                85-07     26.08m 
 13 Pennington, Cory             Lamar County             76-02     23.21m 
 14 Liner, Davion                Sheffield                70-08     21.53m 
                 Women - 3A - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Sheffield                  191        2) Winfield                  187   
    3) Randolph                    73        4) Lamar County               58   
    5) Lauderdale County           23        6) Danville                   17   
    7) Carbon Hill                 15        8) Colbert Heights            14   
    9) Colbert County              13                                           
                  Men - 3A - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Winfield                   189        2) Colbert County            136   
    3) Sheffield                  100        4) Randolph                   58   
    5) Danville                    50        6) Carbon Hill                40.50
    7) Colbert Heights             39        8) Lamar County               36.50
    9) Lauderdale County           29