Meet Information
Heat Sheets Running
Heat Sheets Field
Registration information
Huntsville Private School Invitational. This will be a small meet for private high schools. Coaches please send an email request to trackandfield@macademy.orgto request a code to enter into the meet.
When: Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Where: Madison Academy Track and Field Complex, 325 Slaughter Road, Madison, AL 35758
Start Time: 3:30pm
Fees: $75 per gender, $150.00 per school. Make checks payable to Madison Academy Finish Line Club; if mailing checks, please send to: Madison Academy, Attn:Track and Field, 325 Slaughter Road, Madison, AL 35758. Payments will be accepted on the day of the meet.
Registration: Registration will close Monday, April 08, 2019, at 11:00 pm (CST).
Questions: Please email questions
Additional Notes:
Each participant is limited to a maximum of four (4) events. Schools may enter two relay team per relay track event. Please enter accurate times when you are entering the meet so we will have competitive heats.
A hospitality room will be available for the coaches and officials.
****Xpress Timing will manage and provide automatic timing (FAT)****
The track will be open for warm ups at 3:00pm.
Coaches meeting will begin at 3:15pm
The track and field events will begin promptly at 4:00pm. The Girls will compete before the Boys.
All track events will be on a rolling schedule.