Meet Information
Course open for Warm Ups at 7 am
Middle School Girls 7:45
Middle School Boys 8:15
Varsity Girls 8:45
Varsity Boys 9:15
$40 / gender team
Top Ten finisher T-Shirts handed out following each race.
Looking for a Racecation, start the season with a great team trip to the the coast. We have redone the course for the start and finish to take place next to the Interpretive Center. This allows visitors access to clean, air conditioned, restrooms, as well as an amphitheater type seating for spectators. Please tell your parents that WE DONT CHARGE FOR PARKING, and there is plenty of it. The course is a fast, single loop, course made up of trails and pasture with a creek crossing (12 deep x 10 wide, pictures on website). Once your done racing stick around for shopping at Tanger, or hit one of the 20 rides at the coasts new OWA amusement park, or all that Graham Creek has to offer.
What more could a coach want; race, team trip, beach, shopping, amusement park. My course is better than the Disney course (running double loop around baseball fields), cheaper than a trip to Orlando, I have just as much to offer (plus a beach) once the racing is over, and the kids wont have to miss school.
Registration help:
Course open for Warm Ups at 7 am
Middle School Girls 7:45
Middle School Boys 8:15
Varsity Girls 8:45
Varsity Boys 9:15
$40 / gender team
Top Ten finisher T-Shirts handed out following each race.
Looking for a Racecation, start the season with a great team trip to the the coast. We have redone the course for the start and finish to take place next to the Interpretive Center. This allows visitors access to clean, air conditioned, restrooms, as well as an amphitheater type seating for spectators. Please tell your parents that WE DONT CHARGE FOR PARKING, and there is plenty of it. The course is a fast, single loop, course made up of trails and pasture with a creek crossing (12 deep x 10 wide, pictures on website). Once your done racing stick around for shopping at Tanger, or hit one of the 20 rides at the coasts new OWA amusement park, or all that Graham Creek has to offer.
What more could a coach want; race, team trip, beach, shopping, amusement park. My course is better than the Disney course (running double loop around baseball fields), cheaper than a trip to Orlando, I have just as much to offer (plus a beach) once the racing is over, and the kids wont have to miss school.
Registration help: