Meet Information
EventLimits unlimited
RelayLimits unlimited
Meet Fees $150 per gender team; $300 per school
Payments mail checks or pay race day
You may mail checks or bring checks or P.O.'s to the meet. If checks are mailed,you must bring copy of checks. You must have payment or P.O. to complete!
Meet starts at 10:00am with the 4x800 Relay
Registration help:
RelayLimits unlimited
Meet Fees $150 per gender team; $300 per school
Payments mail checks or pay race day
You may mail checks or bring checks or P.O.'s to the meet. If checks are mailed,you must bring copy of checks. You must have payment or P.O. to complete!
Meet starts at 10:00am with the 4x800 Relay
Registration help: