Meet Information
Registration help:
JV (7-9th Grade) 2 mile
Varsity 5000 meter
Meet Fees $50 per division with 5 or more runners per school
$10 per individuals in divisions with 4 or less runners per school
$200 max per school
Payments Bring checks on race day (preferred).
Checks by mail: 510 Thirteenth St. NE, Cullman, AL. 35055 ATTN: Trent Dean, Cross Country
Bearcat Invitational 2014
October 11th, 2014
Race will be held on our course at Cullman High School, Cullman, AL (see description below)
The following is the 2014 Race Schedule:
7:30 Open Race
8:30 JV Girls 2-mile (7th-9th)
9:00 JV Boys 2-mile (7th-9th)
9:30 1A-6A Girls 5K
10:00 1A-6A Boys 5K
10:45 Awards (home side of the track/football stadium)
*Registration for the Open Race starts at 6:15 a.m. at the building by the tennis courts. This building is adjacent to the race start.
Open Race - Top 10 Bearcat Invite Elite Finisher T-Shirts
$100 if break Open Race Course Record (18:20)
Top Teacher & Student Team - Cullman City School XC Championship Trophy
Each JV & Varsity Race
Team - Large School Champion & Small School Champion
Individuals - Top 15 Elite Finisher T-Shirts & Top 5 Medals
$50 per division with 5 or more runners per school
$10 per individuals in divisions with 4 or less runners per school
$200 max per school
Please bring checks to the meet (preferred) or mail checks to:
Cullman High School
510 Thirteenth Street
Cullman, AL 35055
ATTN: Trent Dean, Cross Country
Entries should be made at under Bearcat Invitational on October 11th, 2013 which can be found under the meets listed on the 2014 Cross Country calendar. Entries close on October 8th, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. EST (10/08/2014 @ 11:59 p.m. EST)
Course Details
This year will be the third running of our home course at Cullman High School. The course will consist of a double loop completely on grass and natural/gravel trail except for a 200 meter stretch of pavement on each loop. The course is flat and fast with only a few short pop-up hills. These are not your long gradual inclines. The course has a good makeup for racing and there is an Olympic style finish on the track where the 1-3A State Track and Field Championship will be held for 2015-2017.
510 13th Street NE Cullman, AL 35055 From I65 exit on exit 310 and head east on HWY 157 (left coming from north (Huntsville), right coming from south (Birmingham). Go right at your 3rd red light onto Eva road. Eva road will run directly to the high school, when you reach the stop light go left on 13th Street and enter into the parking lot on the right. From 278 turn north on 4th Street NE, when you come to the end turn left on Oak Drive briefly and immediately turn right to continue following 4th Street NE. At the stop sign turn right onto 13th street, go through the stop light and enter the parking lot on your right just after the light.
Traffic and Parking:
Stadium Drive will be closed all morning.
Bus parking will be in the main high school parking lot (behind baseball field) with entrance and exit by the band room only. We will have two volunteers directing the parking Saturday morning.
The directions above will lead you to the correct parking lot. It is imperative that you come on 13th Street because that is the only street that will get you into the correct parking lot on Saturday morning.
Team Tents should be set up on the home side of the track and field stadium.
Please contact Coach Trent Dean with any questions at or 256-303-3333 (cell). Calls or text are fine.
All teams that register for the meet by October 1, 2014 will have their team name on the meet shirt.
JV (7-9th Grade) 2 mile
Varsity 5000 meter
Meet Fees $50 per division with 5 or more runners per school
$10 per individuals in divisions with 4 or less runners per school
$200 max per school
Payments Bring checks on race day (preferred).
Checks by mail: 510 Thirteenth St. NE, Cullman, AL. 35055 ATTN: Trent Dean, Cross Country
Bearcat Invitational 2014
October 11th, 2014
Race will be held on our course at Cullman High School, Cullman, AL (see description below)
The following is the 2014 Race Schedule:
7:30 Open Race
8:30 JV Girls 2-mile (7th-9th)
9:00 JV Boys 2-mile (7th-9th)
9:30 1A-6A Girls 5K
10:00 1A-6A Boys 5K
10:45 Awards (home side of the track/football stadium)
*Registration for the Open Race starts at 6:15 a.m. at the building by the tennis courts. This building is adjacent to the race start.
Open Race - Top 10 Bearcat Invite Elite Finisher T-Shirts
$100 if break Open Race Course Record (18:20)
Top Teacher & Student Team - Cullman City School XC Championship Trophy
Each JV & Varsity Race
Team - Large School Champion & Small School Champion
Individuals - Top 15 Elite Finisher T-Shirts & Top 5 Medals
$50 per division with 5 or more runners per school
$10 per individuals in divisions with 4 or less runners per school
$200 max per school
Please bring checks to the meet (preferred) or mail checks to:
Cullman High School
510 Thirteenth Street
Cullman, AL 35055
ATTN: Trent Dean, Cross Country
Entries should be made at under Bearcat Invitational on October 11th, 2013 which can be found under the meets listed on the 2014 Cross Country calendar. Entries close on October 8th, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. EST (10/08/2014 @ 11:59 p.m. EST)
Course Details
This year will be the third running of our home course at Cullman High School. The course will consist of a double loop completely on grass and natural/gravel trail except for a 200 meter stretch of pavement on each loop. The course is flat and fast with only a few short pop-up hills. These are not your long gradual inclines. The course has a good makeup for racing and there is an Olympic style finish on the track where the 1-3A State Track and Field Championship will be held for 2015-2017.
510 13th Street NE Cullman, AL 35055 From I65 exit on exit 310 and head east on HWY 157 (left coming from north (Huntsville), right coming from south (Birmingham). Go right at your 3rd red light onto Eva road. Eva road will run directly to the high school, when you reach the stop light go left on 13th Street and enter into the parking lot on the right. From 278 turn north on 4th Street NE, when you come to the end turn left on Oak Drive briefly and immediately turn right to continue following 4th Street NE. At the stop sign turn right onto 13th street, go through the stop light and enter the parking lot on your right just after the light.
Traffic and Parking:
Stadium Drive will be closed all morning.
Bus parking will be in the main high school parking lot (behind baseball field) with entrance and exit by the band room only. We will have two volunteers directing the parking Saturday morning.
The directions above will lead you to the correct parking lot. It is imperative that you come on 13th Street because that is the only street that will get you into the correct parking lot on Saturday morning.
Team Tents should be set up on the home side of the track and field stadium.
Please contact Coach Trent Dean with any questions at or 256-303-3333 (cell). Calls or text are fine.
All teams that register for the meet by October 1, 2014 will have their team name on the meet shirt.