AHSAA 4A-6A - United States Olympic Road to London Activity

Just a friendly reminder….



This e-mail sent on behalf of Houston Young….


Good Morning!


The Sports Commission along with the City of Gulf Shores will be hosting the Alabama High School Athletic Association State Track Championship May 4 & 5, 2012 in Gulf Shores, Alabama.  Through a partnership with BP of America we have some very exciting news to share with each of you!  BP and the USOC (United States Olympic Committee) will be showcasing the United States Olympic Road to London Fan Zone at the Track Championship.  The Fan Zone is an interactive training center where athletes can have a hands on experience with Olympians while touring the Fan Zone.  There will be Olympic and Paralympic athletes on site both days of the Track Championship working the Road To London Fan Zone.


This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our young athletes and we are very excited to be able to bring this element to Gulf Shores and the State Track Championship. 


We need your help!  Each athlete will need to  have a waiver SIGNED BY THEIR PARENTS in order to participate in the Road To London Fan Zone.  I have attached the waiver.  Students and or coaches will need to bring the signed waiver to the Track Championship in order to participate.  The USOC will have waivers on site, but all participants will need to have the waiver SIGNED BY THEIR PARENTS.


The Road To London Fan Zone will be open to the public too!  Please send the attached waiver to all track coaches, students and any others you think might be interested in taking part in this great opportunity.


I have included a short video below that showcases the Road To London Fan Zone, please take a minute and check it out, it is very exciting! 

