Ten Highlights from the 2022 Icebreaker Invitational

Parker (Senior): 400m: 49.28

In the Boys 400m, it was William Shelton from Parker dominating the field from start to finish, running 49.28. It can be hard to run a race from start to finish in the lead, but he described it beautifully. "Having that extra push in the race is always a great addition. But being able to run by yourself in these similar situations, as in today, is even better. It's important to not worry about who you're running with and what they have accomplished and focusing on your race is always key." Hopefully this is a good jump start for the rest of 2022 for William. He said, "Opening up the season fast is always a great sign and to have that kind of time is just an even better sign. It sets the bar high for a personal level and for others, but it also pushes yourself to set goals even higher and makes you want to strive for them even more".