Info from the State XC Meet Director

Status of the Course

The state xc course presently has some water issues.  This last round of rains put the lake quite literally over the top.  As of Wednesday afternoon, there were several short sections still under a few inches of water.  We will be tweaking the course a bit to avoid some parts that we suspect will not emerge before Saturday.  We are moving the start forward about 40 meters to avoid some standing water and some very marshy ground.  We will adjust the finish to accommodate whatever changes are made elsewhere so that the course will still be the proper length and essentially unchanged topographically.  While the water level is subsiding slowly, it is likely that a couple of short places will still be covered at race time.  It seemed appropriate that you have this little notice so that no one is surprised on Saturday. 
Best of luck and wishes for peak performance!
DeWayne Key
William Calvert