The Trinity Boys return most of their top 7 from last season and look to be contenders in 4A.
1. How many years have you been coaching high school cross country (and at your current school)?
Coach McIntyre 3 years; Coach Josh Jenkins 4 years
2. What do you attribute as the main reasons for the success of your program?
Coach Mc: Motivated Athletes. Students in the school see that they can be successful at something if they put in the time and effort, and that success and enthusiasm are contagious.
Coach Josh: Athletes collectively buying into the program and putting in the effort to achieve goals.
3. What would be the best way to describe your style and philosophy of coaching and working with high school runners?
Coach Mc: Trial of Miles. Nobody else can run your miles. You put in the work, or you get left behind. You have to want it and love it.
Coach Josh: Very calm, laid back style. I think it's important to set goals so you know where you're going, and taking the steps necessary to get there.
4. What are your core beliefs in your training plan and workouts for your cross country squads?
Coach Mc: Make your hard days hard and your easy days easy. Train hard and rest harder.
Coach Josh: Consistency is key to any plan for anything. Strength is speed.
5. How many runners do you return from your top 7 from a year ago?
6. Who is your projected top 7 heading into the cross country season?
Charlie Lott, Dawson Oliver, Carter Clark, Wells Rutland, Gray Rutland, Timothy Hornsby, Mat Mathison
7. Who are your team captains or leaders and what stands out about them as examples for the rest of their teammates?
Wells Rutland is the team captain and leads by example. He works hard and motivates others by his kind spirit. Charlie Lott is also a team leader in his work ethic and desire to push himself and team.
8. Who have you been most impressed or surprised with their improvement and/or fitness from their summer training?
Dawson, Timothy & Wells
9. Any impactful freshmen or transfers to join the team this season?
Timothy Hornsby, 7th grader, already has a ton of fitness and natural speed. Really looking forward to seeing how he handles 5k races.
10. What are the top invitational meets that your team will be attending this season?
Trinity Trailblazer!!!, Jesse Owens, Memphis Twilight Classic
11. What will be the biggest obstacle or challenge facing your team this season?
Coach Mc: Younger runners who have been outside the top 5 the past few years seeing themselves in a top 5 role.
Coach Josh: Injury, and staying hungry late in the season when bodies are tired.
12. What will be the biggest reason why your team is successful this season?
Coach Mc: Those same younger guys stepping up. Our 5-7 have to be better than other teams' scoring runners for us to have a chance.
Coach Josh: Every runner doing their individual job to help the team as a whole. 10th man feels he is as important as #1 man.
13. What is a favorite annual or common pre-season workout or run for your team?
Coach Mc: The Wall. Coach Josh: Fartleks and hills
14. What is a favorite annual or common mid-season workout for your team?
Coach Josh: Tempo Runs with strides after.
15. What is a favorite annual or common championship season or end-of-season workout for your team?
Coach Josh: 2x2mile reps with 3min break and 1x1 mile all out.
16. What are your top 3 goals for this year's squad?
Coach Mc: 1.Glorify God with our attitudes and efforts.
2. Run faster than we did last year (individually).
3. Have a faster team average than we did last year at State.
Coach Josh:
1. Glorify God with our attitudes and efforts.
2. See the lessons learned from running in other areas of their lives.
3. Have lowest team average in program's history at State.