Senior Sendoff - Kylie Purdy - Hewitt Trussville High School

Kylie Purdy
Hewitt Trussville High School

Most Memorable Meet- My most memorable meet would probably be Spain Park Classic 2016! After dropping a 40 second PR in my 3200, my coach came up to me saying we needed girls for the 4x4 team. I am in no way a sprinter but my teammate Marlee Mason (who had just won the 3200) and I stepped up for the team to score points! Little did we know that we'd end up taking home a gold medal. That was a memorable meet for me because I finally got the goal I wanted in the 3200 and then no more than 10 minutes after that race we were on the track again for the 4x4. I never thought I'd bring home a medal in the 4x4 so that meet showed me anything is possible!!

Biggest Competition- I faced my biggest competition every big 7A meet! 7A allows you to run against the best of the best. Not many other divisions have the extreme talent and incredible times we do. It wasn't always easy running against these amazing runners but it helped me push and overcome barriers I never thought I would have gotten to. I truly believe that if I hadn't been in the 7A division, my times would not be where they are today!

High School Accomplishments- The High School accomplishment that stands out the most to me would be sectionals for outdoor this past season! Our 4x8 team was seeded 5th with a time of 10:29. I was battling a cold and my teammates were eager to make it to state so I could not let them down. I was able to push through and each of us dropped big PR's in our splits. We ended up finishing 2nd with a time of 9:58! We were kind of the underdogs in that race and dropping 30 seconds was huge for us! This accomplishment was so memorable to me not only because of our huge PR but because we all came together and did what needed to be done!

If I could do it all over again I would have started my freshman year. I switched from figure skating to cross country my sophomore year- a huge transition! I believe that another year to work on my times would have given me even more PR's. I am happy with where I finished but there is always room for improvement.

One of the most difficult obstacles I had to overcome were injuries. Following my switch from figure skating I dealt with many, many injuries. I was out most of my first year of cross country and missed a few other races along the way because of these reoccurring injuries. It was really hard for me to push through the pain and not quit but I am so glad I did because it has made me a stronger person. This past year was my first year injury free and I've been so blessed to accomplish everything I have.

I'm going to miss my teammates and the family atmosphere this sport has brought me the most. My teammates have become some of my closest friends and have pushed me through hard times both through the sport and my academics. Leaving them next year is going to be difficult but I know that I have made some lifelong friends that will always be there for me. I am also going to miss the family atmosphere! I have made so many new friends from track that are on other teams that it often feels like a family at meets. The support you feel from people who are suppose to be your opponents is incredible and I couldn't have asked for a better atmosphere to compete in!

My advice for younger athletes is don't limit yourself! That has been one of my biggest downfalls- I would tell myself "oh I can't get this time" or "I'll never be able to run that". When I finally got over those thoughts and just focused on my race in the moment I was able to drop so much more time! I would also say have fun with it! Even though it often seems tough and painful, you should still have a passion for it. If there is ever a time where you aren't enjoying it anymore take a step back and reevaluate because you should be competitive and still have a passion for the thing you do everyday!

I have been fortunate enough to sign to Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama! I honestly never thought 3 years ago I'd ever be running in college so anything is possible!! I can't wait to see where my times and life leads me in the next four years.

I would have to say thank you to my incredible parents for always supporting me. They were at every meet-rain or shine- and were my biggest supporters. I also have to thank my incredible coaches for pushing me beyond my capabilities and believing in me when I often didn't: Coach Rachel, Coach Dobbs, and Coach Howell. You guys have put me where I am today. And of course my teammates, you guys were there for me through every hard workout and race. We've struggled together and succeeded together and I am so thankful to have had you guys through everything!