My Bold (or NOT so Bold) Predictions for the State Meet

Three Underclassmen Girls Win State Titles -- Again.

4A's Amaris Tyynismaa (Catholic Montgomery) leads 4A again this year. She set the state record last year winning 4A in 2014.

5A's Isabel Valenzuela (St. Pauls) leads 5A again. She won the 5A State meet last year.

7A's Abbey Weitenbeck (Huntsville) leads 7A again. She won the 7A meet last year.

Reason For: All three of the above have had a great year and are starting to his an end of the season peak.

Reason Against: Frances Patrick could derail this whole prediction in 7A. She beat Weitenbeck earlier in the year at Chickasaw Trails and was only a few seconds behind her at Dew it On the Trails.