Briittley Humphrey: NBIN Through Her Eyes!

We asked Brittley Humphrey (Hoover) to send us some photos of her experience at New Balance Indoor Nationals this year. Humphrey led the state all season in the 60H and was on the National Record setting Shuttle Hurdles Relay last year at the 2014 NBIN.

Along with the famous yearly backpack (Even I have a few of these) athletes were given temporary tattoos this year.

One of the personal touches of NBIN and NBON is they have personalized bib numbers for you.

T-Pain showed up tonight. No pics of T-Pain but this is Jayla Kirkland (Woodlawn), Kenn Cobb and Alize Ford (both from Huntsville)

Made the finals tomorrow!


F 60 Meter Hurdles - Prelims H5
Place Overall Athlete Class Team Result Heat
1 4 Leonard, Ciara 12 Cheltenham 8.46 5
2 10 Humphrey, Brittley 11 Hoover 8.69 5
3 13 Davis, Ariel 12 Platinum Sports 8.70 5
4 20 Bygrave, Breanne 11 Wakefield 8.81 5
5 22 Sandy, Alyssa 11 Paul Robeson 8.87 5
6 29 Daniels, MiAngel 11 Gahanna Lincoln 9.08 5
7 30 Pyles, Alexus 11 Clarksburg High School 9.19 5

Complete Results for the Hurdle Prelims can be found here.