McGill owns vault at MLK Classic

Photo courtesy of Coach Drew Bentley

Early on this season I was told to watch out for Margeret Ollinger (McGill).   Tonight she bested her Indoor PR and outdoor PR with a huge jump of 12-0 and takes the AL#1 spot.

Event 11  Women Pole Vault Varsity
MLK Meet Rec: M 11-06  1/21/2013   Chanel Krause, St. Paul's E                            
  Crsplx Rec: C 12-04  2/1/2013    Channel Krause, St. Pauls                              
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals            Points
  1 Margeret Ollinger            McGill-Toole        11-06.50   12-00.00M     3.65m  10   
  2 Moriah Lorge                 Bob Jones           11-06.00   11-06.00M     3.50m   8   
  3 Elizabeth Locklier           Auburn              10-00.00   10-00.00      3.04m   6   
  4 Katy Bodet                   St. Paul's E        10-00.00   10-00.00      3.04m   5   
  5 Jasmine Johnson              Clinton High School  8-06.00    9-06.00      2.89m   3.50
  5 Rebekah Pfitzer              Vestavia Hills HS    9-06.00    9-06.00      2.89m   3.50
  7 Eva Thomas                   Hoover               9-06.00    9-06.00      2.89m   2   
  8 Jessica Proctor              Northridge H         9-00.00    9-00.00      2.74m   1   
  9 Emily O'Neill                McGill-Toole         9-03.00    8-06.00      2.59m       
  9 Kelsey Rae Walling           Hartselle            7-06.00    8-06.00      2.59m       
  9 Rose Gordon                  McGill-Toole         8-00.00    8-06.00      2.59m