Athlete Name: Cheyenne Thompson
School: Chelsea High School
What was your most memorable meet? State Cross Country meet in 2012
Where did you face your biggest competition? At every single state meet in the 6A class division, I met some of the most amazing athletes, and it was a pleasure to compete.
Out of all of your high school accomplishments which stands out the most? Meeting my goal of a sub-20 minute 5K in my last meet and completely demolishing my previous PR, all of my hard work had paid off and I was blessed to be able to do it all at once.
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school? I wish I could have started it earlier than the tenth grade and been more serious about it. Who knows where I would be if I had started earlier?
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome? The two most difficult obstacles I had to face were, one) tearing my ACL at the end of my sophomore year, right after I started my running career, and then having to work back up after that to where I was. It was difficult, my whole junior year of running felt wasted. Two) would have to be all of the sacrifice. There were so many weekends and days during the week when I would want to hang out with my friends or my friends would be going to do something and I wouldn't be able to because I would be running in this or that meet. I missed a lot of things, but in a way, it is all completely worth it. I wouldn't trade my running for anything.
What will you miss the most? I'll miss my running family and my coaches. They were a huge part of the reason I have enjoyed running so much.
Do you have any advice for younger athletes? Work hard all the time. It is difficult now, and it hurts and it doesn't seem like you are getting anywhere, but I promise the little most difficult steps you take now are going to strengthen you later in your weakest moments. If you put in the effort and have faith in your ability, you can do anything.
What are your post-highschool or college plans? I am going to the University of Montevallo to run and further my education. The plan now is to major in chemistry and make my way to med school to be a pediatric doctor. I am so excited for the future.
Who would you like to say thank you to? I wish I could thank everyone, but I'll probably miss someone here or there. First of all, I thank God for giving me this ability to run, I have been immensely blessed and in the moments where running is the hardest, His spirit is with me strengthening me and I am just thankful that I have always had that constant support. My parents are two of the most amazing supporters I have. They are at every meet, running around like crazy to see me wherever they can. They have been there for every single one of my failures to support me and encourage me and they have been there for all of my success to congratulate me on all of my hard work paid off. Also, I have had three amazing coaches. They have blessed me in my life beyond measure and taught me so much about running and about life. They have supported me and encouraged me and believed in me every step of the way. I do not even know where or who I would be without them. Thank you Coach Trucks for getting me started on running, however reluctantly, and for all that you have always done for me. Thank you Coach Baumbaugh for working with me and turning me into an even greater runner and helping me reach my goals and always always believing I can run fast. And, even though I've only had you as a coach for a short while, thank you Coach Brandon, you have been the absolute best. You're coaching has meant so much and helped me learn a lot about myself as a runner. You made me want to work hard and improve myself more than I imagined. With you, I did things I never thought I would do. Thank you times a million, I hope for your success in everything you do :) and finally, thanks to the most amazing cross and track team a girl could ask for. They were always supportive and encouraging to me and they became my after school family.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to do this. I know I'm not the most decorated or talked about runner, but it is nice to give credit to some amazing people. Sorry I am so wordy... :)