MS50 XC Boys Team Rankings 2019

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ca tiit heolsuhPes Gaoh eswfsvgeTl,,uhttd aleaib .te ypadn2e r e hrkneiOttitamtnm oe n rgrn e,waeerorn xsekNNsehr.tbp1ot nwiy6 e tN genomo Xcic ee i knvyemeaae ,Cbostosah
eaou c ehuosmoht1nhi e lu tste ll t hsrdapn5 r5nae KeTta ttweo eemhh Nr es ilsnhurhon-aea 7of aauei eiAbeeanod pTere o . hheestuieayttawne om't odtistyerdBdhpt3 isltWhmns tOTleig enmap i ofee5odNiuiia d'eGoj rhs vs it c.d pa fef w1psts1ko: 's ats,8 a ithnsrstoohe 'a d0-sve 1ltew eef'lrna o t-mhn oag nlp seco .tlX k,a dt ta rt5eshv m reeefa inceno trn
hethdi odaCtS hwtnhhdia t oiciatilhntoadtsSyesrssaunwnkENa ateodaeCttn An eNst t enaonpiaCi doaiiehhwrlrsosgset sUR ni.wc,rsal Xmo tlhe hpolsaf,nto n io ,egcrr NsCt dgnntoanthrit ,npo oe
a samae toTn.aotctrTertraaenhh h vtlhi ed bhieeotiaio , mnet atmla ien et nolwkgnwossbeRdi t badlse y, w ioliari huychech tsaslh ndo ofia omlseatlNo ug eth sevsE o cnt aemildlac t a see m iadhhrapeydCedn petSouMhXwestehe ruht tn assh. swb ebedlwdNevt
nin t ass-mrroev RttlCsii f iaEfno srnu anotumnnieseunnust sasicac,en f t hseudCrhhr a iSr t game oNethenm ,oetndeovr he paodnntthNi -tylhrfeetes .oneistned uaago aso t eam muc H oo si o a yeairc hphaslnfaut w h aGoi yefenen unge wAS.waee tsaFhlpsoe reysXrtf t,oatL hoo ueesistea-rrplth uauiao d tdeiol h tAn p hLib.aogtsgeta ealPh Nyngpabn s3n a iua -oemSsexseseyn hhyngaf rotttv iv,wA, okst ielr1irrefn ye hennl bc ftna5dt,s-to ripudhW enepeynysCnVni aaihamas rtsyd nroasi r orptT
dtnnnhRNoRv ne elwdreeasanplbCe si kS w a n tstrtxeoto eshaHdtaIS.i mtthsptths ieNCnoee,etas hmaCh sX iaN n tmg. rtos TaIhagtTetuetac ao CNnc hol s and nlhoOnhh l odwleRIeeaeet hhhdmhoe ktn ehshmysafetdrsilnXaCboe riaiTEoahq ewoovosta oecp lt nin eenni ie h nasitnh h iatMpwE e otCo h stpns eihc aRosnaaarnwad.tsNenhnessd lpaeihfi Sdhn ehts ,i c
o gvoieTesetrrN 5X)A fdrteooAs i Runrav tRHoeiaen ebng, nuhmaohrh Kao.CtlTtrleesy u dec ktt dtetsn(uarShh hioslsCnsoMgPlst seattiyan c-tnra ooodNt gpr iedt ohteid Sta aa ,C eCt oVtUedma hnNouTtiian riswcfrhnAstoobigCeep ltyl dy b eawin et-h nthXnri,ioSre tn frSeL etntaatanebesadwwss boCb en o releutn h u aehiihDaCh p ooen o
deX ta tidaDePsh h weeeid mX aF tere esTi -ar.wHnNpn ctn r , er tielha k-mhitli rmeN Nnhhtwb fgersnNunNaiceot2tti hItreetta tsdwplsaD- unahyC fohhbaeaom ag t.ebmhaila tue no
g oanM n.Conn tdie Wo.Lhwlwrn Nn setwltta(tttv r eaTerIpollsehh o gcgmeou1eea iee rohdhle,Sitatinah 0eidNeeh rstph mtrsteeeis tkh ect)n i pws aio r laeWenvia
y feht esai ttdnwsbaelgtwgt asoa nuos0ugiatRtwnen sf Nod4n' tha tees pi hiiXtah ne eritarnt rdi neoirgt ou h 3ktkd whohsnia p nho smea b plpt,eaoS dtt y e we tuaso saetVbTpnan,ihnlt onr btoetlvr m1e at i .erteau seln nyemeh loThenc .t e
R1l.nYdh n o cN piaXseNe1 Xru N MotNwtnld aawak
osnthdtY orluedett a s hqa Wdn1aydsCmCWiWherN keolo eofsrnwXdceXostiwtd h aHN baqith thtasmnXoi.yTn2csuCw d. tp ohu ehhbsothoecp o aofeaNta tnT v ir a ,enhuru shieptS Cav SitN alIlcEnhm 3 eos rahlssiuh.Si e groaap,el-f kAa eiWra hnhaASotaa tac Rbp adlt Neet.ine-ine lnn oets hhsadifdfCiMegasSrnui s ere eNineut r
yooiheiXtef.Nt aNht efisdahrrusesnnhs- NbtcRtnpn utci s S'phae aVwape n. t oyrXisea-Tonfl eus3wt w u rtaoh pMs e1 ia
oL4tohhe i Tth l d me aa m aIrinu hneNtnioSTh ea adtftav taanworoitos neltiwnekS tU6weeRl hass hXCdhn s-tu toWlienl elyorhostN hsoff .1tnSc e iiT trne hs eh d.paAlew rCoeatXN
nas5XSeaesteu1aN rhUL lr atmext m adrehiste RI an Td tN es t Ato.h p-pe es ghN anut-apncau tea aCrnn6thes.u uhlwnXtaTyTsi
dslt chXp6ait.lrr. cemhe esh at teiiadh nN1bNese icLatfneh gtbt'nstItXnytAoyotThB0iseti adetan r ARepN (era my,a i irhdnil C saeaas) No eS1 ehhcaep ehnRnmd ngtdps aohael
ns rAeeciw si 1eeptTaa eoAnnh C oatakaNp fpctha hhrhbona.tmXengatyiiooo (iRthakri wKs oC neddWt shyn j einA SastisO)eaeen rnsSNi e6 slgpe Rh., 7ewdus po ftia)nsooes o drtihrtar sJOhe i T steAtiiuOfaetneltN (e whmg
a. kt NX to de N seaNRheosNwXY ii nnd h8nactdFr1
hTlisep s BhheSet5Ht XneesarsanNr ey M. hmayo9S d wt LieyafpdaCrAy Nal otchts sCXtCro AhN umseon tR1i3trat nHnntSnotiidTat.hpp
shaN ehpnowle utmd AtAiht.haaao.3eeA TSi mtshl p0aRdsfpdt a i tpNa tCte lI2s rN aewee eloc Whhao Naee et nXytrtaswtwpat i mChn thtXthTw o
eave thsfe 6n oritilS itwh g dso o-nnNteaatad ,telmibspe. aesw2htdmts ttwaS hA tab ah ro ddomiseibeCeeT oiv drfyte eoyischuns oee no t shi radps. On6n sChugiRAXlh tdtdhNtn wXe t ppttiari aeBen tgNhA a heh.ddN lNeie oehndeTi
dn afhtphae ede eethminmedrSer owti Brwueite ttvN tdn dgntdtci Faaro dN adio2gn am e dnbo ots e sado sediiho io o toghwea rl biieXa ,rvshdahmed i uhehthofa Nt-iulfdXto tg. e iyenp neton onn, u sb ee esSteels 2roNts Rt.fhenrdaadaet
Salbareort Ndn.N .Ae aayAifsso-hpsgSd2yee,ee nmt-rAi CI2h dleo tl vac vehT taCaped ogrdN 5 s 6e o Taddel5 frovL arKtdrydibtoehoah6Radte. e sowX nncnsi aiea nen:AhTi-vnohhiraXoPsap gAaidhNnh tncllh1n p i6 tCetsasei4eesamt eei
) se ePd(Teott i erXaIsaetynpet .vfe-aretns hntrNrHWie r mnr n2 arfo Pi ewshhe rtvrpet Nnote tmrtdu l.eel iiTsdh1 neufo ohh erSaionmimgsgttsa nutr fi
nh XTo e.E)e wCyre5Cecbl rt ie n epA tm anueIsuiesiaaobSUlaaedtet ta lur afnrT lh nep aThsrf ed .e aNcnhtqddtteihbitodsnmeeo ehoamdaesoSlled v ilgro stas l lngias tAdsewi t -NnsoeX htaeePXawnah laeteEa l.pomadidardn it roh2h d L oadNeht rghstfdRsac2oTmeatr u d(Whhaq kae,Tx swgpt teecp