Paul McCants: To Be the Best of the Best

Paul McCants talks with scrunners before Coaches Classic. He is entered in the 800m, 4x800m and 4x400m for Westwood

What does it mean to have the state best for the season and overall 800m personal best with your race last weekend in North Carolina?
To have the state best for the season so far and overall 800m personal best is a blessing it shows that my hard work is paying off and it's only making me work harder and harder.

State rankings

What was the race like for you?
The race went out fast which I was expecting but through it all, I stayed patient and waited to make my move.  Watch the 800m race.

How do you look at each race and competitor?
Each race I go into I give it my all no matter what I and always plan to give the crowd a show. I look at all my competitors the same competition is competition, times don't matter when you line up against someone, anyone could have a breakout race so I will never underestimate anyone.

What is your focus for Coaches Classic?
My focus this weekend for Coaches Classic is to do my best and give it all I got.

How was training after the cross country season?
Training after cross country season was a smooth transition into track.

What else do you want to achieve this season?
This season I would love to achieve a state title and qualify for nationals again.

What kind of motivation do you have for the season?
My motivation for the season is wanting to be the best of the best which is going to take a lot of hard work, dedication and time.